A Sure-Shot Framework to Prosperity for Techies (Just Starting Their Jobs)

Abhishek Verma
2 min readNov 30, 2023
Source: Author

Investing won’t make you rich.

Conventional wisdom tells you to INVEST and REST.

Your journey to prosperity is more than just money. Here are 3 steps to a prosperous life:

1️⃣ Gain Mastery Over Self:

Mastering oneself is the first step to prosperity.

Choose silence over music for a clear mind. Maintain positive thoughts, even when facing challenges. Reflect on past actions without placing blame. Understand that responsibility leads to personal growth. This mastery is foundational to all success.

Your actions and mindset shape your future. Taking charge of them leads to true growth.

Master yourself, and you master your journey.

2️⃣ Cultivate Good Virtues:

Cultivating virtues is the core of true prosperity.

Exercise patience; results will come in due time. Be honest with yourself; it’s the true path to growth. Kindness, both to others and yourself, is essential. Avoid rushing or deceiving yourself. Embrace virtues for a fulfilling life.

Your virtues define your character and influence your success. It’s the essence of personal growth.

